
Friday, February 21, 2014

ZW Hope

Hey everyone Natsu here back with another deck profile.  This week I'm doing something a little different and doing a Yugioh deck profile.  This week I'm going to be going over my ZW Hope/Utopia deck.

 Monsters 30

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
DZW - Chimera Cloth
Effect Veiler x2
Evilswarm Mandragora x3
Evilswarm Thunderbird x3
Goblindbergh x3
Gorz The Emissary of Darkness
Hydrogeddon x3
Maxx C x2
Thunderking Rai-Oh
Tragoedia x2
ZW - Eagle Claw
ZW - Lightning Blade x2
ZW - Sleipnir Mail x2
ZW - Tornado Bringer x2

So the monsters in the deck pretty much fall into one of 3 categories A. It's a staple B. It helps gather level 4s on the field or C. It's a ZW.  The decks main win condition is getting any version of Hope/Utopia (preferably a Chaos version) and making it as big and hard to get rid of as possible.  Most of the ZWs are run in groups of two with the exception of Eagle Claw who is a LV 5 that can only be equipped from the field (although with a handy trap negation ability) and Chimera Cloth who is mainly just a Zenmains counter.

Spells 10

Book of Moon
Dark Hole
Infestation Pandemic x2
Mind Control
Rank Up Magic Barian's Force x2
Rank Up Magic Numeron's Force x3

For spells once again it's mainly staples aside from Infestation Pandemic, and while yes this isn't an Ophion deck thanks to running 6 evilswarms in the deck making Ophion is something you'll be able to do very frequently so it doesn't hurt to give him a target as well as you being able to use it on Exciton Knight if you need to.  The Rank Up Magics are all there to allow you access to the C39s which when combined with the ZW weapons can become an unstoppable force.

Traps 3

Royal Decree x2
Solemn Warning

For the traps we only run double Decree and 1 Warning  The ZWs all go to the spell and trap zone which can cause that area to become clogged very quickly, therefore a general preference for myself is that if I don't have much room for backrow I keep it to just Royal Decree since it won't really hurt me while still possibly hurting my opponent.

Extra Deck

Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Evilswarm Ophion
Evolzar Laggia
Gagaga Cowboy
Lavalval Chain
Number 101: Silent Honor Ark
Number 39: Utopia x2
Number C101: Silent Honor Dark
Number C39: Utopia Ray x2
Number C39: Utopia Ray V x2
Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory x2

Lastly for the extra deck it's mainly rank 4s since that's what the deck is set to making.  Ophion and Laggia can be made relatively easily in the deck so of course they're included to be backup boss monsters.  C101 is also in there due to his ability to snatch away just about almost anything (since let's face it the only deck he isn't too good against is Monarchs).  C39 Utopia Ray is included so that you can turn your Utopia into him before using your Rank Up Magic to allow your C39 to have an extra overlay unit.

Overall this deck can make Hope big and fast.  The only issue is that if they have an answer to Hope you may be in trouble but this can also depend on your ZW weapons as well, but usually if you can know when to make your big pushes as well as when to go all in you should be ok.

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