
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Overlord Vague

Hey everyone Natsu here back with another deck profile and this week I'm going to be focusing on my new Kagero deck that I built after set 15, and it's a little... different.  But it still works really well and let's us use both of Kagero's big cards and give our Vanguard some heavy pressure.

Grade 0
Red Pulse Dracokid
Blue Ray Dracokid x4 (Crit)
Embodiment of Spear, Tahr x4 (Crit)
Dragon Dancer, Babara x4 (Heal)
Gattling Claw Dragon x4 (Draw)

So for this build I chose to run Red Pulse as my starter since this build runs Overlord AND Vague so I only have 6 grade 3s so it can help get that extra grade if you're missing it.  The rest of my choices are pretty standard for this deck type and I chose to use Gattling Claw over the Seal Dragon trigger for retiring pesky starters.

Grade 1
Demonic Dragon Mage, Kimnara x4
Dragon Dancer, Maria x4 (Perfect Guard)
Eternal Bringer Griffon x3
Lizard Soldier, Grom x2
Nouvelle Roman Dragon x2

For the grade 1s we run 4 Kimnara to retire any annoying or critical grade 1s such as Palladium, Ballan and Dorint.  Then we also run Griffon in order to grab our Overlords in order to help ensure that we can get the breakride off as this deck is more about attacking with enough force to make your opponent run out of guard.  We then round out the grade 1s with Grom to help unflip your counterblasts (which you'll be using A LOT of) and Nouvelle Roman for grade security.  Meeting Grom's cost shouldn't be an issue unless you end up using Nouvelle Vague's ability but if you do you should've generated enough advantage off the +5 to not need to retire much anymore.

Grade 2
Dragonic Burnout x4
Belicosity Dragon x3
Burning Horn Dragon x3

For the grade 2s we run 4 Dragonic Burnouts who can soulblast 1 and place an Overlord on the bottom of your deck to retire any unit.  This is the main eater of your soul and your other main source of retiring.  Then we also run 3 Belicosity in order to apply rear guard pressure and also as your ideal grade 2 ride, also if it hits you can unflip a damage although usually if you're running low on counterblast cost Grom takes care of it.  Lastly we run 3 Burning Horn Dragon, Nouvelle is mainly there to be a finisher and he can make Grom's bad numbers issue go away since we're now back to an 11k meta and make 17k columns.

Grade 3
Dragonic Overlord x3
Dragonic Overlord The Re-Birth x3

For our grade 3s we run 3 of each Overlord (the breakride version of course) and Re-Birth.  If possible you want to always ride Overlord first and then continue to keep riding more Overlords in order to apply as much Vanguard pressure as possible while wearing down their defenses, while using Re-Birth as a finisher.  The deck in that sense runs similar to Thing Saver where you want to finish them off with the effect, using your own judgement for when the appropriate time is key but USUALLY if their hand is at 5/6 or less you can likely finish them off that turn provided they don't have a perfect guard or two in their hand.

Grade 4
Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague x2

Then lastly we run 2 Nouvelle Vague, like Re-Birth he's just there mainly as an extra finisher in case you end up sending most of your Re-Birth's to the drop zone/bottom of your deck.  While he doesn't have the multiple attacks the way Re-Birth does he still makes a strong push during the breakride turn by taking the option of using grade 0s away and thanks to the +10k from breakriding him your opponent if they aren't using a perfect guard need to use an extra 2 cards from their hand to guard him also assuming that you don't get triggers, not to mention the threat of making your opponent getting their field nuked AND negating triggers on their turn.

Overall this is a VERY powerful deck although it can be difficult to learn for someone newer to the game or even to Kagero.  A key thing to remember when playing this deck is to retire the units that are key to the opponent's deck as well as knowing when to make that big game winning push.

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