Hi, Thataznguy here again to bring you a deck about Bermuda Triangles. With the release of EB10: Diva's Duet in America, Bermuda Triangles are finally coming back with new support that makes them hit harder and faster. Even Prisms get a perfect guard, which allows Labrador to get more consistent counterblast. However, the units that really attract my attention are the box toppers that you get when you purchase a EB10 box, which are Costume Idol, Alk, Shangri-La Star, Coral, and Planet Idol, Pacifica.
Planet Idol, Pacifica and Diva's Duet give a lot of new cards to the Pacifica deck which allows it to use and obtain Eternal Idol, Pacifica's skill and crossride number more effectively now with Bermuda Bounce Damage unflippers and Planet Idol's skill.
Grade 0:
1x Prism-Smile, Coro (Starter)
4x Duo Tropical Healer, Medjerda (Heal)
4x Duo Grampus Turn, Shannon (Critical)
4x Duo Pride Crown, Madeira (Critical)
4x Duo Morning Charm, Liffey (Draw)

This trigger line up is pretty standard in most Bermuda Triangle builds. The main reason for no stand triggers in this line-up is the lack of possible good targets. With Eternal Pacifica originally, you would bounce a column that attacked to call out one Standing unit from the deck with its skill already and possibly another column standing. With this in mind, most of the time your stand trigger will fail to have a good target other than the booster behind the Vanguard unit. However, if you do want to play stand triggers, you can go for 6 stand triggers, 3 draws, and 3 crits, which leaves you with an overwhelming stand trigger play and keeps some critical pressure active. If you only run stand triggers, since this deck doesn't have any effects for extra criticals, there won't be any pressure against your opponent if they are at four and they know you only run stands, which will let them no guard as the fear of getting a critical is null and void.
Prism-Smile Coro has good synergy with the cards Yarmouk, Slaney, Planet Idol, and Eternal Idol because when Slaney, Planet Idol, or Eternal Idol bounce another unit, Coro jumps to your hand as well, which adds another 3000 power to Yarmouk.
Grade 1:
4x Prism-Duo, Yarmouk
4x Duo Dream Idol, Main
4x Prism-Duo, Aria
1x Duo Clear Parasol, Kura
1x Duo Pretty Horn, Ural

The main card in here is Yarmouk which gains 3000 power whenever a Bermuda Triangle unit is bounced from the field to the hand. Because Yarmouk gains 3000 power per bounced unit, it gains 6000 power when Eternal Idol uses its Limit Break. This sets up numbers really well with Sana or any grade 3 since it can get to 23 or 24k easily. Kura is there to have a way to use Eternal Idol's Limit Break multiple times and Ural is there to abuse bounce to draw cards if needed. I would use Ural and Kura sparingly as they do eat up soul.
Grade 2:
4x Duo Dream Idol, Sana
4x Duo White Crystal, Ricca
3x Prism-Duo, Slaney

Slaney and Ricca are the main units for grade two. Slaney has great synergy with Ural, Kura, Ricca, and Yarmouk, bouncing units manually to abuse effects or draw cards and power up Yarmouk for one counterblast. Ricca is also a main unit for her overall synergy with Slaney, Ural, and Kura as well. Since Ricca soulcharges one and unflips a damage when she is bounced, she is the perfect target to use Slaney's effect on as she bounces back to hand for free and gets a soulcharge, which can help you get a Top Idol, Pacifica into soul or set up numbers with Yarmouk. Prism-Duo Avon, the grade two counterpart to Yarmouk, isn't in this build is because of the lack of space in the deck and the poor base number. With the English format being slightly centered on cross rides, it might be hard for Avon to get to 18 easily.
Grade 3:
3x Planet Idol, Pacifica
3x Eternal Idol, Pacifica
2x Top Idol, Pacifica

Eternal Idol, Pacifica may be the whole center of the deck, but Planet Idol, Pacifica can easily set up field even without the use Eternal Idol, Pacifica's Limit Break. Combining Slaneys and Ricca, you can easily get a free call from deck if you were to ride a Planet Idol, Pacifica over another one. Riding Eternal Idol, Pacifica over Planet Idol, Pacifica allows you to call two units out of the deck for three counterblast, or cheaper when combined with Ricca. Planet Idol, Pacifica's in-soul skill also allows you to set up the cross ride if you call a Top Idol, Pacifica from the deck via Eternal Idol, Pacifica's Limit Break.
This deck became an idea when I saw Yarmouk and Slaney and tried to think of a deck to abuse them. Since Slaney was a card that wasn't appreciated, I wanted to find a situation where her skills would be really handy in setting up field or numbers. Each of these cards lets this deck have more synergy with each other rather than having Rhone or Lu Lu. Hopefully people who read this will try to think more outside of the box when it comes to deck building. This is the Pacifica Decklist with Break Ride. Thataznguy, Over and out.
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