Gunslinger Star, Floria x4 (Crit)
Prism-Miracle, Adria x4 (Draw)
Prism-Miracle, Canaria x4 (Crit)
Prism-Miracle, Timor x4 (Heal)
Prism-Smile, Koro
Despite having especial counterblast I chose to go with an 8 critical trigger build due to our main grade 3 unit Labrador having an on attack effect therefore I wanted to take stands out of the equation to maximize my trigger effects. The starter when another Bermuda is returned to hand can also return to hand. This can allow you to get an extra 10k shield when needed and re-arrange your field as needed.
Mermaid Idol, Elly x3 (Perfect Guard)
Mermaid Idol, Felucca x3
Prism-Image, Clear x3
Prism-Promise, Leyte x3
Prism-Romance, Mercure x3
For the grade 1s I really spread myself out more on the units I chose. There is no PRISM sentinel unit so I'm forced to use Elly (although especial counterblast isn't used TOO much in the deck) and then Felucca allows for soul charging so then your soul blast units such as Clear and Leyte can go off. Clear when returned from field to hand can soul blast a card to give a Bermuda an extra 4k power. Leyte is Labradors personal 11k booster. 11k boosting can come in EVEN more handy for this unit since let's say for instance you get Clear to go off, (which with Labrador's ability is VERY easy) then Labrador becomes a 15k base for the turn which with an 11k boost suddenly hits for 26k which allows for magic numbers against 11k base vanguards which currently dominates the format, so it comes in VERY handy. Lastly Mercure is your standard 10k attacker who is mainly there just to be a useful rearguard snipe if needed.
Prism-Romance, Lumiere x4
Prism-Image, Rose x3
Prism-Smile, Liguria x3
For the grade 2s I decided to go with 4 12k attackers since they can hit anything that isn't a crossride which is ALWAYS great. Then Rose who so long as you have a LB 4 Vanguard (which basically means grade 3 for here) is an 11k attacker, which is once again GREAT. The last unit Liguria is your 10k vanilla unit who if she can't hit a vanguard can always snipe a rear guard. There is a grade 2 version of Clear who is a 9k unit but I chose not to include it due to not wanting to have TOO many soul blast units although it still is a great unit to have.
Prism-Image Vert x4
Prism-Promise Labrador x4
For the grade 3s just 4 breakride and 4 Labrador. The breakride gives the standard 10k power and also returns 2 Bermudas to your hand (although with Koro as a starter it may as well be 3) and then lets you draw a card. The main card of the deck and archetype though is Labrador. Her limit break is whenever she attacks a vanguard you can call up to 3 PRISM units to rear guard circles. Then if you called 3 she gets an extra 10k power and an extra critical for that battle. She can also counterblast a prism to return a prism to your hand. So by intercepting and using the especial counterblast skill you have a 21k 2 critical base every turn (or at least until you run out of counterblast), if you even use Clear and Leyte you can have her be 36k 2 crit at which point they'll most likely need a perfect guard or quintet wall if they want to stop the attack, and if they do hey you still have a 2 critical vanguard.
Overall the deck is a fun deck to play and definitely in my opinion the best out of all the various bermuda builds out there. The only things that really hurt this deck would be a match up against link joker due to lock limiting a lot of what you can return especially locks on units such as Clear.
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